Shipping policy

We ship via popular courier services in the country such as Pathao, Paperfly, Redx etc. We deliver with Pathao for most of our shipping (especially for orders outside of Dhaka). Our shipping rates are described below:

Inside Dhaka
Basic Charge BDT 60/-
The basic charge is applied to all orders inside Dhaka that weigh less than .5 kgs. For each additional .5 kgs, we add 20 taka shipping charges.

Outside Dhaka
Basic Charge BDT 120/-
The basic charge is applied to all orders inside Dhaka that weigh less than .5 kgs. For each additional .5 kgs, we add 20 taka shipping charges.

For exchanges the following shipping charge rule will apply:
Standard shipping charge + 1/2 standard shipping charge.

Delivery time:
Most orders inside Dhaka will reach you within 3-5 days of placing the order on the website.
Orders outside Dhaka usually take 5-7 days after placing the order. However, sometimes they may reach you earlier than that. It depends on the distance and other logistics.
*We will notify you if your order is going to take more than the time mentioned above.

For more information about returns and exchanges, please read our Returns & Exchanges Policy